Lite roliga test...
Jag får lite då och då roliga test på Facebook. Det senaste heter Which Desperate Housewife Are You?
Om resultatet stämmer för mig vette fan... Vad tror ni?
You are very family orientated and respectable and try to be the perfect housewife. You love cleaning and gardening and have many talents, you try to make everything perfect but it does not always go to plan. You can be a bit of a control freak and tend to have secret thoughts you keep to yourself. You're Bree.
Om resultatet stämmer för mig vette fan... Vad tror ni?
You are very family orientated and respectable and try to be the perfect housewife. You love cleaning and gardening and have many talents, you try to make everything perfect but it does not always go to plan. You can be a bit of a control freak and tend to have secret thoughts you keep to yourself. You're Bree.
Postat av: Karolina
Hehe, tror jag gjorde ett sånt test på 5an och jag har för mig att jag blev Bree jag med ;)